I have hitherto successfully resisted to temptation of either
answering your or Mr. Irwin's criticism of the humble work I am doing in
Champaran. Nor am I going to succumb now except with regard to a matter which
Mr. Irwin has thought fit to dwell upon and about which he has not even taken
the trouble of being correctly informed. I refer to his remarks on my manner of
My "familiarity with the minor amenities of Western
civilisation" has taught me to respect my national costume, and it may
interest Mr. Irwin to know that the dress I wear in Champaran is the dress I
have always worn in India except that for a very short period in India I fell
an easy prey in common with the rest of my countrymen to the wearing of
semi-European dress in the courts and elsewhere outside Kathiawar. I appeared
before the Kathiawar courts now 21 years ago in precisely the dress I wear in
One change I have made and it is that, having taken to the
occupation of weaving and agriculture and having taken the vow of Swadeshi, my
clothing is now entirely hand-woven and hand-sewn and made by me or my fellow
workers. Mr. Irwin's letter suggests that I appear before the ryots in a dress
I have temporarily and specially adopted in Champaran to produce an effect. The
fact is that I wear the national dress because it is the most natural and the
most becoming for an Indian. I believe that our copying of the European dress
is a sign of our degradation, humiliation and our weakness, and that we are
committing a national sin in discarding a dress which is best suited to the
Indian climate and which, for its simplicity, art and cheapness, is not to be beaten
on the face of the earth and which answers hygienic requirements. Had it not
been for a false pride and equally false notions of prestige, Englishmen here
would long ago have adopted the Indian costume. I may mention incidentally that
I do not go about Champaran bare headed. I do avoid shoes for sacred reasons.
But I find too that it is more natural and healthier to avoid them whenever
I am sorry to inform Mr. Irwin and your readers that my
esteemed friend Babu Brijakishore Prasad, the "ex-Hon. Member of
Council," still remains unregenerate and retains the provincial cap and
never walks barefoot and "kicks up" a terrible noise even in the
house we are living in by wearing wooden sandals. He has still not the courage,
in spite of most admirable contact with me, to discard his semi-anglicised
dress and whenever he goes to see officials he puts his legs into the
bifurcated garment and on his own admission tortures himself by cramping his
feet in inelastic shoes. I cannot induce him to believe that his clients won't
desert him and the courts won't punish him if he wore his more becoming and
less expensive dhoti. I invite you and Mr. Irwin not to believe the
"stories" that the latter hears about me and my friends, but to join
me in the crusade against educated Indians abandoning their manners, habits and
customs which are not proved to be bad or harmful. Finally I venture to warn
you and Mr. Irwin that you and he will ill-serve the cause both of you consider
is in danger by reason of my presence in Champaran if you continue, as you have
done, to base your strictures on unproved facts. I ask you to accept my
assurance that I should deem myself unworthy of the friendship and confidence
of hundreds of my English friends and associates—not all of them fellow
cranks—if in similar circumstances I acted towards them differently from my own
[6] Reply to Mr. Irwin's criticism of his dress in the
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